Appendix: Common Components

This page describes some components which are used in multiple pages and view in Atlus

The Chart Component

The chart component is used to graph data against time. There are 2 main features that can help you get better view of the data

  1. Point Viewer

When you move the cursor towards a point in the chart, you can view all the information related to this point in the graph, including the values of the X and Y axis.

  1. Time Range Selector

You can change the number of data points viewed in the graph by selecting the desired time range as shown in the GIF above.

The Paginated Table Component

Paginated table is a tabular view of a list of data items, organized in pages, to decrease load time. You can use the arrows in the bottom right of the table to move between pages as shown in the GIF below.

If you hover over the "i" icon next to the name of each column, you'll get more info about this column

Sometimes, you can have a Download button in the top right corner of the table, which can be clicked so you can download the viewed page to your local machine in CSV format.

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