Blobber Details Page
A page showing details of a blobber
Last updated
A page showing details of a blobber
Last updated
This column shows the count of challenges passed by the blobber. Challenges are means by which the system makes sure the blobbers are actually hosting the users' data correctly. They are generated by the blockchain and received by the blobber, which prepares response and submits them to the blockchain to verify, where it can be either successful i.e. counted as passed, or failed. More about challenges are discussed in the Challenges page.You can access this page by one of the following:
Clicking on any clickable Blobber ID, like in the Blobber Service Providers table or in the From/To field of the transactions table in the Blockchain page, if it represents the operational wallet of a Blobber.
Using the URL:<blobber_id>
This page views the details of a Blobber, given its Provider ID, which is also considered the address of the Operational Wallet of this Blobber, which is the wallet the blobber uses to send/receive its transactions to the network.
This page has the following sections
This graph shows depicts the change of both Allocated Storage and Used Storage of this blobber over time. Hovering on any point on any of the two curves will view the actual value that corresponds to this time point. When the Used curve becomes close to the Allocated curve, this means that the blobber is approaching being fully utilized i.e. all its allocated storage is used. More information about storage terms like Allocated and Used storage in the Key Definitions page in the Storage System Feature documentation or in the Storage Explainer page in Atlus.
This part of the section shows some important information about this blobber, related to its storage and tokenomics. It shows the following information:
Quality Score
This column shows the Quality Score of the blobber, which indicates how the blobber is performing regarding the challenges. Quality Score is the percentage of the Passed Challenges to the total number of challenges generated for the blobber.
Total Passed Challenges
This column shows the count of challenges passed by the blobber. Challenges are means by which the system makes sure the blobbers are actually hosting the users' data correctly. They are generated by the blockchain and received by the blobber, which prepares response and submits them to the blockchain to verify, where it can be either successful i.e. counted as passed, or failed. More about challenges are discussed in the Challenges page.
Total Staked ZCN
This column shows the amount of ZCN Tokens staked by clients to this blobber. More about staking in the Staking page of the Tokenomics System Feature documentation.
Write Price
This column shows the Write Price of the blobber, which is the ZCN amount the blobber charges the clients to perform write operations on their data. Write Price is expressed in ZCN/TB/Year, that's because it's deducted upfront from the client in the form of locked tokens to their allocations, which corresponds to the size the users request for their allocations. More about Write Price and other storage-related terms in the Key Definition page of the Storage System Feature documentation.
Wallet Balance (ZCN)
This column shows the amount of ZCN tokens that are owned by the operational wallet of the blobber. The blobber uses this balance mainly to pay transaction fees.
This sections shows the transactions this blobber sent/received by the system. It's shows the same information of the transaction as in the Transactions table of the Blockchain page.
As in the Miner Details Page, you can use the filtration list in the the upper right corner of this section to filter the transactions by their type.
This sections represents a list of allocations that this blobber is involved in, either as a carrier of a parity shard or a data shard.
It shows the same information as in the Allocation Table of the Wallet Details Page.