Storage Charts

Charts showing change in storage-related metrics of the system

These are the charts/graphs showing the change of metrics related to the storage of users' data, including write price and how much data being allocated.

Average Write Price

This graph shows the change of the average write price, which is simple a weighted average of the Write Price of all the blobbers based on their staked storage. Write Price, Staked Storage and other terms related to storage are discussed in more details in the Key Definitions page of the Storage System Feature documentation.

Top Blobbers by Allocated Storage

This graph shows a comparison between the top-20 blobbers in terms of Allocated Storage, in a Pie Chart. Hovering over any of the section shows the id of the blobbers represented by this section, as well as the actual allocated storage in TB. Allocated Storage is also a storage term that is discussed in more details in the Key Definitions page of the Storage System Feature documentation and in the Storage Explainer page in Atlus.

Utilization Percentage

This graph shows the change of the utilization of the network, which is measured by the percentage of Used Storage from the Allocated Storage. Storage key terms are discussed in the Key Definitions documentation of the Storage System Feature Documentation, also in the Storage Explainer page in Atlus.

Total Blobbers Capacity

This graph shows the change of blobber capacity, which is the amount of storage space offered by the blobbers. Blobber Capacity is also a storage term that is discussed in more details in the Key Definitions page of the Storage System Feature documentation and in the Storage Explainer page in Atlus.

Allocated Capacity

This graph shows the change of allocated capacity for all the allocations created by Züs System users. Allocated Capacity is also a storage term that is discussed in more details in the Key Definitions page of the Storage System Feature documentation and in the Storage Explainer page in Atlus.

Blobber Used Storage

This graph shows the change of the used storage for all the blobbers. Used Storage is also a storage term that is discussed in more details in the Key Definitions page of the Storage System Feature documentation and in the Storage Explainer page in Atlus.

Last updated