Activity Page

Check your wallet activity. View sent and received transactions, storage allocations, stakes, and unlocks.

View Details: View your transaction details. Notes: Here is a note written by the sender. From: This is the wallet address of the sender. Status: This is the blockchain status of your transaction. Confirmed means it was a successful transaction. View Explorer: Check more transaction details on our Explorer Atlus.

In the page, you can view the transactions signed and issued by your wallet to the network.

Click "View Details" for more information about the transaction.


Transaction ID

This is the unique identifier of the transaction. You can use this to look it up on Atlus.


This field views the options notes property of the transaction.


This field views the address which issued the transaction (it's always your wallet address here since these are the list of transactions issuesd by your wallet)


This field views the address which the transaction is issued to.


This field views the status of the transaction.


This is the date/time when this transaction was issued.


This is the amount of ZCN tokens attached to this transaction.

View on Explorer

Click this to view the Transaction Details page of this transaction on Atlus.

Last updated