Collection Details Page

View the details of your NFT collections.

This page is accessed by clicking on a collection card from the Explore page.

Name of the collection

"Test Col" is the name of the collection.

Note that the thumbnail and cover images that you see are the latest uploaded images for your Collection Image and Cover.

Upload Content

The "Upload Content" button is used to upload content for the collection. It will take you to the Files Management page.

Withdraw Earnings

The "Withdraw Earnings" button is used to withdraw earnings if the NFTs inside the collections are minted or traded on Opensea. Upon clicking on the button, you'll be asked to do a Metamask transaction.

Create NFT

The "Create NFT" button is used to create an NFT inside the collection. A modal will open where you'll be asked for the NFT name and description.

Make Immutable

The "Make Immutable" button is used to make your collection immutable so that no delete/edit operations can be performed on the Collection/NFTs content. A popup will appear asking you to confirm the operation.

Note that all the above-mentioned operations can be performed by the owner of the collection.

Mint Status

There are two types of status - Not Live and Live.

"Mint Status: Not Live" means that the collection is not immutable yet so the NFTs inside this collection can't be minted/purchased by the buyers.

"Mint Status: Live" means that the collection is immutable or frozen so the NFTs inside this collection can be minted/purchased by the buyers.

NFT in this collection

In this section, you can see all the NFTs created for a collection.

NFT Filters

You'd see 2 filters, "Sort By" and "Search by name"

The "Sort By" filter is used to sort NFTs by name and date. When you select any filter, the NFTs will get sorted in ascending order concerning the selected filter.

The "Search by name" filter is used to search NFTs by name. This search field is case-insensitive.

Note that all the above-mentioned operations can be performed by the owner of the collection.

Last updated