Earnings Page

Withdraw your earnings generated from Collections and NFTs.

This page is accessed as follows:

  • Click on the Avatar/Username on the top right corner of the navbar to go to the Settings Page.

  • Click on the "Earnings" tab from the left menu.

When your NFTs are purchased in Chalk or traded in NFT marketplaces you get some revenue. You can see your revenue breakdown by visiting the earnings page in Chalk.

"Minting" revenue is the revenue generated when your NFT is purchased in Chalk. It's the initial buy price you've set in the contract when deploying your collection.

"Royalties" revenue is the revenue generated when your NFT is traded in NFT marketplaces. It's the royalty percentage you've set in the contract when deploying your collection.

Total Collections

The "Total Collection" card represents the total number of collections you've created in Chalk.

Total NFTs

The "Total NFTs" card represents the sum of NFTs you've created in all of your collections.

Minted NFTs

The "Minted NFTs" card represents the sum of all your minted/purchased NFTs. This count gets increased whenever someone mints/buys your NFT.


  • Collection Filter: You can select an individual collection to see the earnings using this filter or see the earnings sum of all collections at once.

  • Date Filter: You can look for a particular date range earnings for a collection by using this filter. You'll only see the selected date filter earnings. The default date range is set to last week.

Withdraw Earnings

The "Withdraw Earnings" button will take you to the Collection Details page, where you can withdraw your earnings into your MetaMask wallet.

Last updated