Settings Page

Manage your experience with the Chalk app

This page is accessed by clicking the Avatar/Username on the top right corner of the navbar.


The "Home" tab will take you to the Files Management page where you can see and manage your uploaded files for your NFT.

Note that you'd only see the "Home" tab if you have created a collection in Chalk.

Manage Profile

The "Manage Profile" tab will take you to the Profile Settings page where you can update your username, biography, and profile pic.


The "Earnings" tab will take you to the Earnings page where you can see the earnings generated by your NFTs.

Purchased NFTs

The "Purchased NFTs" tab will take you to the Purchased NFTs where you can see your purchased NFTs.

Manage Collections

The "Manage Collections" tab will take you to the Manage Collections page where you can manage your collections.

Manage Subscription

The "Manage Subscription" tab will take you to the Manage Subscriptions page where you can manage your subscriptions.


The "Wallet" tab will take you to the Wallet Details page where you can see your wallet details such as the wallet ID, Private Key, Public Key, and Mnemonic.


The "Get ZCN" tab will open a popup for purchasing ZCN using Zus DEX. You can see the flow here.

Refer a friend

The "Refer a friend" tab will open a popup for referring someone to the Chalk app. You can see the flow here.


The "Help" tab will open a submenu where you can see FAQ, Privacy Policy, and Discord link to Chalk.


The "Logout" tab will logout you from Chalk. You'll see a confirmation popup before logging out.

Last updated