Operations on your Deployments

Learn to troubleshoot and be flexible with your deployment, yourself.

After you successfully run the deployment script on your machine, you may need to know some operations that can come in handy chances are that you face any issues or need to move your deployment around.

Mount HDD or SSD disks

If you have external disks that you want to mount and use as storage space for your Chimney deployment, you can do this by mounting them to the blobber storage mountpoints:

  • HDD => /var/0chain/blobber/hdd

  • SSD => /var/0chain/blobber/ssd

Follow these steps to mount your disks:

Step1: Find your devices as volumes

Before you mount the disks, you need to find the device directory (or name) of them. Devices in the Linux OS are represented by virtual files in the /dev directory. To find the name of your disk devices, you can either run fdisk -l (for MBR partitioning) or gdisk -l (for GPT partitioning)

As you see in the output, you first get a list of all the devices then the partition table for each device. For the case in the image, there was a single device (/dev/sda) which was partitioned into 3 volumes (/dev/sda1, /dev/sda2 and /dev/sda3) with sda3 being the mai storage volume.

If you have multiple physical disks that you need to mount to your blobber, make sure they're represented by only one logical volume using LVM (Logical Volume Manager) or RAID, either hardware or software. To install/upgrade lvm run sudo apt-get install lvm2

Step2: Mount your volumes

Now that you have the file representing your storage volume, you need to mount that to the blobber's mount point. Run either of the following commands depending on your device type

# For HDD
mount /dev/sda3 /var/0chain/blobber/hdd
# For SSD
mount /dev/sda3 /var/0chain/blobber/ssd

Replace /dev/sda3 with your volume file you found from step 1.

Clean a stale or unsuccessful deployment

If your deployment was unsuccessful and you need to remove the old deployment before you run the new script. To do this, run the following command on your machine:

export PROJECT_ROOT=/var/0chain/blobber;
docker-compose -f ${PROJECT_ROOT}/docker-compose.yml down --volumes;
docker system prune --volumes --force;
rm -rf ${PROJECT_ROOT} || true;

If you've attached an hdd or ssd disk and have files, the mount points will not be removed. However, if you want to remove the mount points, unmount them first:

unmount /var/0chain/blobber/ssd and unmount /var/0chain/blobber/hdd

Then, after you finish the cleanup, rebooot the device and remount them back if you'll rerun the script. Follow the instructions mentioned in the Mount section.

Get the blobber ID (outside chimney dashboard) or the Validator ID

Normally, you can find your blobber ID in Manage Blobbers Page in Chimney. However, if for any reason you couldn't access it, you can get the ID of the blobber from your machine where the chimney deployment is running by running the following command:

docker-compose -f /var/0chain/blobber/docker-compose.yml logs blobber |\
     grep -A 4 "*== Blobber Wallet Info ==*" |\
     head -n4

For the validator, you can find its ID on Chimney if you inspected its funding transaction when you fund it from the Wallet Page, the validator id will be the "To" field of the transaction. However, if you couldn't access Chimney for any reason, you can find your id by running the following command on your machine:

docker-compose -f /var/0chain/blobber/docker-compose.yml logs validator |\
     grep -A 4 "*== Validator Wallet Info ==*" |\
     head -n4

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