Authentication Flow

Login or Register to the system

Registration (Account Creation)

Registration to Züs is pretty simple, just bring your phone along, a pen and a paper, and let's start!

Step1: User name and Phone Number

First of all, you need to choose a username that is unique, meaning it's not used before by any account. Then, you need to specify your phone number. Your phone number should be valid and active, as you'll use it to receive OTP during the signup flow, as well as each time you log into the system.

If you already have an account, you can click on the "Sign In" button which will redirect you to the Login Flow.

Afterwards, you'll receive an OTP over SMS to the phone number you used for registration, which you need to provide in order to complete your registration.

If you lost the OTP or it didn't arrive in your SMS inbox, you can Resend it using the Resend code button.

Step2: Saving your wallet

After you verify your phone, you'll be shown you Wallet Mnemonics, which are basically 24 words that are used to generate your wallet's private key.

Mnemonics need to be kept very securely and so secretly that we strongly discourage you from keeping any kind of digital copy of them. They need to be in physical form, even encrypted if you can. We recommend you have 2 copies of them; one in a secure way at your access, while the other is kept in your bank deposit. Losing your mnemonics means puts your data and earnings on the Züs System all in severe danger.

You should write them down for the steps to come, hence the need for a pen and a paper. After you write them down, click "I've written it down" and you'll be redirected to a simple quiz about some of them, just to make sure you wrote them down.

Every time you log in, you'll need to provide your mnemonics. Since this can be cumbersome if you log in more often, you can optionally save your wallet to our secure cloud storage, encrypted with a passphrase of your choice, which you'll be using on login, instead of the full mnemonics. Add your wallet name and passphrase - if you want to save it to cloud - or just disable this feature by choosing "No" next to the question "Save key to cloud?".

Make sure you keep your passphrase safe and secure.

Once you're done solving the quiz and - optionally - entering the credentials to save your wallet to cloud, click "Confirm" and that's it! You're registered to the Züs System. You can use your account to login to all the apps.

Login Flow

At Züs, we believe in simplicity and security by default. That's why we adopt two feature to tackle the simplicity vs. security tradeoff:

  • Single account/wallet approach to access all the apps.

  • Two-step passwordless-first authentication. First, you log into your account, then authenticate your wallet.

Step1: Account Authentication

To access your account, you need to provide the phone number your registered by.

Then, you'll be required to submit an OTP sent to your phone number over SMS.

If you're new to the system, click Sign Up to register.

If you lost the OTP or it didn't arrive in your SMS inbox, you can Resend it using the Resend code button.

Step2: Wallet Authentication

To authenticate your wallet, you should provide its mnemonics (space separated) generated when you're registering to the system.

This can be cumbersome if you often log in and out from different devices of into different apps. That's why we offer that you can optionally save your wallet on the cloud while registering to the system, encrypted with a passphrase which you can use for authenticating your wallet when you login.

That's it! You're now logged in.

Last updated